S5E1|專訪 性神學社 Pearl Wong

S6E1|專訪 性神學社 Pearl Wong

參與討論 Contributors

內容摘要 Summary
本集內容由香港性神學社Queer Theology Academy的總幹事 Pearl Wong黃寶珠來分享QTA的成立過程,重要的發展,包括出版在地香港處境化的酷兒神學、提供酷兒基督徒神學資源、陪伴與諮商,以及舉辦各種訓練課程與活動。 2024年8月將會有第四屆 華人酷兒神學 (初階) 線上工作坊, 歡迎大家報名參加!

延伸資料 Reference
2024 華人酷兒神學 (初階) 線上工作坊
性神學社 Queer Theology Academy


Spotify, https://tinyurl.com/8vxyarwc
Apple, https://tinyurl.com/mr2dzdc4
Amazon Music, https://tinyurl.com/mvp7sfuc

關於本集節目 / About this episode
本集是 酷兒企劃內容,錄音時間:2024年06月07日。本集使用的音樂來自Blue Dot Sessions


  • Pearl_2024

    Pearl Wong is founder and director of Queer Theology Academy that develops queer theologies and promotes LGBTIQ+ rights in Hong Kong and Asia through publication and education. She is deputy convener of "Covenant of the Rainbow: Campaign toward a Truly Inclusive Church" in Hong Kong that aims to stop discrimination against LGBTIQ+ in churches and religious communities. Pearl is an active member of the Global LGBTQI+ Coalition Group, Amplify conferences in Asia, and regular speaker in international conferences on human sexuality, queer theologies, and Asia-Pacific Rainbow Families, and one of the eleven global LGBTI religious leaders invited to speak at the 2017 Ethics of Reciprocity Conference at United Nations headquarters, New York. 東南亞神學研究院神道學學士,性神學社總幹事,「彩虹之約─共建同志友善教會」行動成員。探索及實踐酷兒神學過程中確認多元性向及性別,也立志謙卑與酷兒同行來踐行基督精神。Pearl經常受邀出席國際會議就酷兒神學發表講話; 更於2017年10月與10名不同宗教代表獲邀參與「互惠倫理︰聯合國性小眾宗教領袖對談」研討會,成為聯合國史上第一批獲邀參與,並公開地與聯合國成員對話的LGBTI宗教領袖代表.

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  • 陳查令 Charing Chen

    芝加哥神學院博士生,聯合基督教會的牧師,來自台灣的酷兒。他擁有台南神學院的道學碩士,以及芝加哥神學院的神學碩士。他的研究專注於經文的詮釋。他的興趣是跨文本酷兒閱讀,後殖民的想像,以及星艦奇航記。 Charing Wei-Jen Chen (he/him) is a doctoral student at Chicago Theological Seminary (IL, US), ordained minister of United Church of Christ (UCC), from Formosa-Taiwan, genderqueer. He earned M.Div. from Tainan Theological College and Seminary (Taiwan) and S.T.M. from Chicago Theological Seminary. His researches focus on Sacred Text Hermeneutical Strategies. Charing’s interests are queering cross-textual readings, postcolonial imaginations, and Star Trek studies.

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Posted by Pearl

Pearl Wong is founder and director of Queer Theology Academy that develops queer theologies and promotes LGBTIQ+ rights in Hong Kong and Asia through publication and education. She is deputy convener of "Covenant of the Rainbow: Campaign toward a Truly Inclusive Church" in Hong Kong that aims to stop discrimination against LGBTIQ+ in churches and religious communities. Pearl is an active member of the Global LGBTQI+ Coalition Group, Amplify conferences in Asia, and regular speaker in international conferences on human sexuality, queer theologies, and Asia-Pacific Rainbow Families, and one of the eleven global LGBTI religious leaders invited to speak at the 2017 Ethics of Reciprocity Conference at United Nations headquarters, New York. 東南亞神學研究院神道學學士,性神學社總幹事,「彩虹之約─共建同志友善教會」行動成員。探索及實踐酷兒神學過程中確認多元性向及性別,也立志謙卑與酷兒同行來踐行基督精神。Pearl經常受邀出席國際會議就酷兒神學發表講話; 更於2017年10月與10名不同宗教代表獲邀參與「互惠倫理︰聯合國性小眾宗教領袖對談」研討會,成為聯合國史上第一批獲邀參與,並公開地與聯合國成員對話的LGBTI宗教領袖代表.